
Profit by licensing your expertise while protecting your intellectual property

If you have ever searched the Internet for expertise outside of your own profession, you likely found your searches fruitless and frustrating.  Using SavoirSoft's micro-licensing platform opens up enumerable opportunities to connect with others looking for your experience and knowledge.

The World-Wide Web is a fantastic resource for finding information, but not for finding people with discerned expertise in professions like: architecture, business, communications, education, engineering, finance, health, information systems, law, medicine, science; to name just a few.  With SavoirSoft, professionals are empowered to:

  • Expand their reach far beyond like-minded networks of similar professionals to establish relationships and loyalties with, and derive revenues from, others who want access to real expertise and knowledge;
  • Sell their mastery using methods and in formats that traditional publishers cannot offer while protecting their intellectual property, and;
  • Collaborate with others to develop new products and services in ways not possible without SavoirSoft's micro-licensing platform.

You Empower Publishing Choice & Independence

eBook Distribution

Creating awareness and capturing interest in your works is difficult on the Internet.  Micro-licensing extends publishing success beyond eReaders, tablets and phones.

Article Reprints

Increase advertising reach, better understand readers' profiles and amplify your reading audience.  Open new revenue channels with secure article reprints.

Specialty Publishing

Digital distribution should not preclude physical consumption.  The Internet's vast reach and immense revenue opportunities can be safely leverage by you too.

Scholastic Journals

Leverage micro-licensing to cost effectively afford access to research and other scholarly literature.  Advance the value of learning, discovery, and innovation.